Get the Lead Out: Detoxing in Southeast Asia

Contemporary city living is a fast-paced, finely-tuned operation that requires a lot of effort to maintain. Most of us take short cuts just to keep up with our own lives – fast food, sleep deprivation and non-existent downtime are the common time-saving devices – and while some people have a super-human ability to power through […]
Making Tracks Through Southeast Asia

It’s great that air travel throughout South East Asia is as cheap and accessible as it is. And it speaks volumes that, even though it’s possible to take a one-hour flight from Bangkok to Vientiane, many travellers opt to make the trip on a 12-hour sleeper train – so many travellers that private cabins are booked weeks in […]
All Aboard the Reunification Express: Vietnams Romantic Railway

The gentle rocking of the train, the clickety-clack sound of the rails put you and your fellow passengers in a soporific mood and it’s time for another nap. But wait! The panorama of Vietnam unfolds just outside your window. Just when you thought you couldn’t keep your eyes open for another minute another only-in-Vietnam scene […]