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Lao PDR: Cultural & Heritage Tourism

Golden Reclining Buddha in gardens at Wat Pha That Luang Vientiane Laos

Laos’ culture manifests in a variety of ways, most compellingly through temple ruins, a sedate heritage town and a mysterious plain of jars. 1.1. Plain of Jars, Xiengkhouang Province The thousands of jars littering three sites in Xieng Khouang Province remain a mystery, but many tourists seem determined to crack the case. Thousands of visitors […]

Philippines: Community-Based Tourism

Philippine traditional village

Filipinos’ warmth and hospitality are a tourist attraction by themselves, as you’ll find out for yourself in the community-based activities presented here. 1.1. Abatan River Community Life Tour A leisurely boat ride takes visitors from the Abatan River Visitor Center in the Bohol town of Cortes, sailing down the river to visit five communities in […]